Weekly Roundup: Caturday Vol. 4

The happiest of Caturdays to you, my beauties! Hope y’all had a marvelous week. Mine was jampacked, so let’s jump straight in.

Best day this week?

– Oh, can’t I have two?! It’s my weekly roundup, so I say yes. 😉 This week was a little intense, emotionally. Wednesday was by far the worst. So at the last minute Tyler and I decided to grab a pizza with one of our friends, Cruz. She’s a sweetheart and never fails to make me laugh, so of course it turned my mood around. Plus, who doesn’t love a good slice of pizza now and then?!

Friday we wound up going out with her and a few other friends for drinks (I drank fake mixed drinks all night because I’m like 12 wtf) and then we did a bit of shopping around. There were a lot of laughs and memories made that night. I love that I finally feel like I have a mini family out here, a support system I’m completely comfortable with.

Worst moment this week?

– Two years ago this May, my sweet Jake passed away. He was a HUGE part of my life. I’ve been taking it a little harder than usual, and it just so happened that Wednesday it hit me in the worst way. All I could do was cry for a couple hours and wish that he was here to hug me and tell me everything was going to be alright.

What did you accomplish?

– I filmed. I edited. I planned for our trip home at the end of this month. I video-gamed (South Park: The Stick of Truth is my crack). I honestly wasn’t very productive this week… unfortunately.

What’s the plan for next week?

– Tyler has a field, so I’ll be all by my lonesome until next Friday! I plan on deep-cleaning the apartment and getting it ready for our new puppy, Maka. She’ll be coming back from Georgia with us and I want to have everything perfect for her! I also need to film and upload so that I don’t have to while we’re back home. It’s not necessarily going to be exciting and will definitely be a bit lonely, but hopefully I’ll be about 100% more productive than I was this week!

That was it for this week! What were you up to, pretty baby?! Let me know in the comments below or on your own blog, and I’ll chit chat with you later.

♡Your Loey

Weekly Roundup: Caturday Vol. 3

Oh, I want to be a good blogger. I do. In case you haven’t noticed, my blog isn’t monetized. I love YouTube, and if I start listing off all the reasons why I’ll never finish this post. But YouTube, while it is intensely fun, has also proven to be an actual part-time job for me. There’s a level of perfectionism I aim for in my videos. I want my blog to be a place I can just come to talk. I’m trying very hard to get back on schedule with these posts… and I appreciate your patience! Onto this week’s roundup.

Best day this week?

– Ironically, Saturday (which I wouldn’t have been able to include had I posted this on the day it was supposed to go up… haha). This week was sort of quiet for the most part, lots of work, getting projects moving and planning my trip home this month. Saturday was absolutely incredible. I hit 5,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel (!!!), Tyler and I had a lovely morning coffee date and that evening we went to a get-together at a local sports bar. One of the boys in Ty’s platoon leaves the Army on Monday, so we were seeing him off in the best way possible… by watching him get right trashed. 😛 I was horrified when the bill came, however! They charged an arm and a leg for shots (we’re talking like $7.00, I’m not joking). If you’re in the Manhattan area, steer clear of Willie’s! Service sucked, everything was SUPER pricey and the place wasn’t very well kept up with.

All of that aside, it was really fun to get to see everyone. Afterwards we went to our friends’ place, played Call of Duty and watched the snow fall. Those friends have the CUTEST son in the history of man… he was busy until bedtime showing me his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collection and telling me how to properly kill aliens in Extinction mode on COD.

Worst moment this week?

– I’ve been experiencing a LOT of anxiety here recently. I’ve been a touch snappy and on edge. I can’t pinpoint an exact moment that sucked worse than the others, but I just know I’ve been a little irritable lately. Tyler is a freaking Godsend and he knows me all too well. One of those days I was just kinda down in the dumps, he looked at me and said, “I want to reorganize this weekend.”

I THRIVE on change and organization, so this excited me way too much. After I finish this blog post I think we’re actually moving around the bedroom a bit. Can’t wait to show y’all!

What did you accomplish?

– Well, I got back in some photos from a local photographer I recently worked with, so I’m editing those here and there and getting them ready to put up on the blog (and also in my modeling portfolio). I answered a TON of freaking business emails that I’d just had piling up in my inbox for ages. I’m also puppy proofing the house for our now three-month-old husky puppy that we’ll be getting in the middle of this month, that took up a huge chunk of time this week. I did laundry, and that’s always an accomplishment.

What’s the plan for next week?

– Tyler has a few appointments next week, so I’ll be going with him to those. I have a lot of new products, things I’ve bought and also things I’ve received for PR purposes that I need to start testing so I can get videos up on them. We’re also looking at houses next week (EEEEEK). And I need to do something with the copious amount of raw spinach I have in the refrigerator, so it’s going to be an interesting week for salad.

I want to know what you did this week! Leave me comments below or copy and paste the questions into your own blog. Until next time, pretty loves.

♡Your Loey