Spring. (Photoset)

Hi my beauties. I plan on sharing more photos from my trip back home soon, but for now, I wanted to show you photos that my best friend Hannah and I took at the Georgia Botanical Gardens this past weekend. We drank coffee, laughed, talked and took the most lovely adventure through the gardens. Hope y’all enjoy!

This photo was SO stinkin’ hard to get. I swear we have like, thirty failed attempts for this. But finally the lighting was perfect, our hair was magnificent and the heart was centered. I feel like this belongs on Tumblr.

Forever Grace face.

There’s an inside joke within our circle of friends that I’m secretly Sleeping Beauty. Partially due to my long blonde hair, partially due to the fact that I actually am a princess, but mostly because I really, REALLY like sleep. Like a lot. Hannah took this photo and I’m just in love with it, I think it looks so Sleeping Beauty-esque and ethereal!

Full disclosure: Hannah took this. Isn’t that just beautiful? These flowers are gorgeous, can’t think of their name to save my life, but I’m in love.

As we were leaving the botanical gardens, we spotted this magnificent little meadow right behind a parking lot. How random and perfect is this abandoned log?

Thank you all, as always, for reading my ramblings. Love you.

♡Your Loey

4 thoughts on “Spring. (Photoset)

  1. You look gorgeous, you hair is soooo amazing!!

    Just found you on Youtube, i always love a good Blogger/Youtuber slashie. (i’ve just started trying (and mostly failing) to youtube it up as well!)

    Love your work!x

  2. Hey loey just want to say that you look so lovely loved your posts so far :). .gosh I if I ever a gurl in my life I honestly would love her to look and b like you I’m truly mesmerized by your beauty in a respectful way of course well tkcare and god bless u hugs and kisses your friend Enrique 🙂

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